About Me
- Congregation
- Westport NC
- Work
- Interior Designer
Phone Number
Hey, I’m Liza!!
Cornelius, NC. USA Member since 2024
- Congregation
- Westport NC
- Work
- Interior Designer
Phone Number
I am a sister from the Westport, NC. Congregation, been baptized since 1985. I live in Charlotte, NC. I'm 54 years old & my husband, Todd, is 56. We've been married for 33 years. No kids, but we can't live without our French Bulldog. (Although she won't be with us on this trip.) I pioneered for 20 years & Todd pioneered for 31 years. We both worked as temporary Bethelites many times over 25 years. We served as Full-time Bethelites for 3.5 years at Patterson from 2012-2015. We worked in the audio-video department during that time.
We are excited to visit our nephew recently invited to serve at Warwick Bethel.
I am an Interior Designer, & My husband worked for 25 years at CBS & NBC as a writer/producer on the foreign news desk. Currently, he's a Sales Rep for Struxure, a high-end pergola company.
We can't live without my Bible & IPad, friends, family & anything creative.
We have enjoyed traveling around the world & visited 20 countries, & the WT Branches in each of those. Thailand, the Congo & Zanzibar were our favorite places.
We love people, travel, food, music, reading, dining out, watching movies, playing with our dog, laughing with friends, wine & photography.
We are pretty laid-back travelers. For the most part, we prefer traveling at our leisure, going wherever & whenever the wind blows us.
I'm kind of a neat freak, so I always strip the sheets, empty the garbage & tidy the room before we leave any hotel or home we stay.
We have a dry sense of humor, so my motto is:
"Anything that doesn't kill you makes you strong. Whatever does kill you, just makes you dead, so either way is a win-win situation, thanks to Jehovah & the Resurrection hope."
Reviews (1)
Reviews From Hosts
LourdesOct 08, 2024From Queens, NY · Oct 08, 2024
Lovely guests!