About Me
- Congregation
- East Subic Congregation
- Work
- Airbnb
- Languages
- English, Tagalog
Email Address
Phone Number
Hey, I’m Flora!!
Zambales, PH Member since 2023
- Congregation
- East Subic Congregation
- Work
- Airbnb
- Languages
- English, Tagalog
Email Address
Phone Number
I am a Senior Citizen, a widow of almost 15 years, a Regular Pioneer for a total of more than ten years and I still am—a very happy servant of our God, Jehovah.
To keep it maintained, I decided to have the downstairs area open for transients and guests for fair and minimum charges.
I want honest and sincere people who respect privacy. Since I am already a Senior Citizen, I limit my travel to closer places as I had already seen the USA, Europe and most of Asia when I was younger. I love to read; in fact, its my passion. I love to eat healthy foods and will try anything super exotic. I love people and would love to talk to them if given a chance;
most people nowadays are so busy and prefer to be with their gadgets rather than spend time with human beings; that is only my opinion, of course. My life motto: In every problem under the sun, there is a solution, or there is none; if there is one, find it; if there is none, never mind it. I treat people well, as I want them to do the same. I look forward to hosting anyone who is interested in checking my place. It is truly a home away from home they just have to see. Come to visit the Philippines!