
About Me

Spanish Casselberry Congregation
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Hey, I’m Nilda!!

Casselberry Florida Member since 2021
About Me
Spanish Casselberry Congregation


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My husband's parents came from Cuba because, as JW's, they were persecuted, and didn't want their son to continue growing up in those circumstances so coming to America was the option they had. They ended up in the Orlando area (1970), where only a small group of "Spanish" speaking Witnesses were available, not a congregation yet: soon after, there was not one, but many Isa 60:22.

I also came from Cuba but when I was 11 months old, my parents weren't Witnesses and I later learned the truth when I was about 12 by my older sister (we remained the only ones). Later on, I met who was to be my husband in Florida (until today), and back then wanted to find a place where the need was great and went to Costa Rica on vacation, and fell in love with this small town (Paquera).  We decided to make a cabin retreat there as also a means of livelihood but because of family issues in the USA, we never were able to make the move, so our business remained there up to the present and periodically my husband visits to maintain the property.

I hope you all can visit and enjoy the Beaches - Nature - and preach with the local brothers in this remote area of Costa Rica!  The Kingdom Hall is within walking distance of 5-8min.  It's still considered an area of great need and hopefully, you can enjoy the rare occasions of preaching Island hopping...   

My husband and I, speak fluent Spanish and English